Tips For Spray Paint a Brass Fireplace Insert


Paint the outline of your brass fireplace with this simple tutorial. In 30 minutes or less, your painted fireplace insert will show a complete update!

But when I first watched it, I couldn’t understand why I didn’t like it. It is a large and beautiful fireplace. What’s wrong? Did I secretly want whitewashed bricks? Pinterest is all the rage these days. But here it is: my fireplace is 100 years old. I didn’t look good to throw a DIY plaster on an original feature of a century-old house, and besides, I wasn’t sure I liked the result. But in the end, I understood Brass. The brass was what came out of my fireplace. And while replacing the brass insert would have been a problem, spray painting the brass trim would have been easy.


Most likely, the fireplace started to heat up. Even though I never use my fireplace, there is always a chance the next owner will, so he wanted to make sure I used paint that could handle it.

There are different high-temperature paints that you can purchase at your local home improvement store. Since I was painting a brick fireplace. Rustoleum spray paint was the perfect thing. I later painted the tile as well, but for this, I chose to use brush paint mainly because I didn’t want a glossy finish. This is what I used for the tiling.


  • Plastic Drop Cloth
  • Old Plastic Folder
  • High Heat Spray Paint
  • Painter’s Tape

Step 1: Prepare the room

This is by far the most time-consuming part of your home. I had just finished refinishing the floors, plus I was planning to paint the walls later, so I covered the entire floor in my living room with plastic rags. Then, I coated them around the fireplace. The end result looks like this:

I highly recommend that you cover all your soil with the Drotchloth, even if you do not plan any other project in the near future. It was in the opposite direction of the fireplace. Additionally, I would recommend keeping pets out of the area if possible. My cat continued to walk through it all shortly after I painted, and then goes for a nap on the white carpet in the next room. 

Ideally, the tarps would have been taped off, but I ran halfway through and started using wrapping tape instead. it worked well. Also, since my glass doors were easily removable (they just unscrewed), I removed them and also covered the inside of the chimney with plastic.

Step 2: spray paint

Using high-temperature spray paint, paint the insert. To make sure I didn’t get paint on the bricks. I inserted an old plastic binder between the brick and the brass.

It was pretty covered in spray paint when I finished. The spray paint I used said it would be repainted in a few minutes. So when I finished the first coat it was time to do the second. I only did two coats because they seemed sufficient, and I was a little worried that I would run out of spray paint. The can was emptied quickly.

Step 3: Remove the plastic and admire

Doesn’t it look much better? Who knew such a simple project could change the entire look of the fireplace?

Do I have to use high-temperature paint?

Yes. Even if you never plan to use the fireplace, the next person could, and that’s not a risk worth taking. The good news is that high-temperature spray paint doesn’t cost much more than regular spray paint, so it won’t break the bank.

How long did you wait between coats?

Almost none. The instructions stated to wait only a few minutes between coats, so by the time I finished spraying the fireplace, it was time to start the second coat.